
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Devil's Millhopper Geological State Park

 After earning our "8:30 Man"  we were off to the park.  We were so excited to visit one that we had been talking about going to for a while!  It's actually a giant sink hole that you can climb down into!  Fun!
We went on the perfect day for a hike.  The weather was slightly chilly, very sunny, and gorgeous!  We started at the top.  Then, we walked down the steps to the 120 feet deep sink hole!

 There were so many beautiful plants and trees and signs describing many of them.

 At the bottom, there is a small pond.

 It was very beautiful!
 It didn't take long at all to get down to the bottom.  Maybe 5 minutes.  And that includes little 4 year old legs walking.  When we got to the bottom, we looked around, took pictures, and then started our climb back out.  Of course, that took a little longer than it did on the way down! :o)

Once to the top, we enjoyed some crackers at the picnic table.  We were there for about an hour and a half.  It was a perfect break from a busy school week!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to get out and enjoy the sunshine. We had a lovely day here too. I'm was so happy to get outside while it wasn't raining or snowing :-) Have a great rest of your week!
