
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Our "I love you" Banquet

 We had been talking and preparing for our "I love you" banquet for over a month.  We were so excited when it finally arrived!  Beth pulled out her china and I decorated the table with cute Dollar Tree finds.
It turned out so pretty!

 My Mom always used to buy us Conversation Hearts for Valentines Day.  Now, I'm buying them for my family.  I love it!

 I found a few Pinterest ideas for dessert.  Aren't these heart shaped cinnamon rolls adorable?

 We enjoyed some yummy turkey with our favorite sides.

 Then,  it was gift giving time.  I loved watching the one who worked on their gift proudly give it to the person's that was theirs.  Patrick drew Elisabeth's name and made her a cute board for her office.  Office?  I don't think I've posted about my Beth's new thing she's doing!  I'll post soon.  It's exciting!!

 I made Callie a crayon roll for her to keep her crayons.  She's such an artsy girl!  She said, "Momma!  It's just like Christmas!!"  :o)
 I was so glad Josh and Tabitha could join us.  I sure do miss my boy.  But, I love seeing him so happy and I LOVE having a daughter in law!!
 They drew each others names (I sort of rigged that one. ;o) )  Tabitha made Josh a jar of date ideas.  It was so cute!  Josh made Tabitha a coupon book full of adorable things.  I love how in love they are!
 Beth made Micah a heart out of legos and gave him a coupon that he could cash in at any time for free lego play time with Beth. He loves it!!

 Callie and Brenna had me and Patrick.  They worked together and made us cute spoon people (Callie's idea) and a Date Night Box full of brownies and movie ideas from online.  So thoughtful!!

Brenna loved her picture frame.  And all the glitter! 
And Silas loved his car track Micah made.  I couldn't take pictures because it was already dark.

What a fun tradition that will be a keeper for us!  We had such a good time together.
 Together.  It sure is a wonderful place to be!!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful way to celebrate Valentine's Day with the entire family. I love it!
