
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Spring is here, but....

 The weather is turning warmer and by looking at our home, spring is here!  Our apple trees are blooming their gorgeous flowers!

Our azaleas have their glorious pink and red petals!

The hydrangeas are starting to sprout their bright green baby leaves.

 Even my tropical loving pomegranates are trying their hardest to like North Central Florida and are sprouting their leaves and red stems!!

 could someone please notify my blueberries that it is time for them to do their thing, too?  It's hard to tell in this barren picture, but there are 4 bushes in a row.

Only one of them has a lone bud.

I think I have some studying to do to try and make this work!

1 comment:

  1. How lovely to see signs of Spring. We are a ways off from that here. In our normally tropical rain forest area we seldom get snow. But this year we are just going through the 9th storm of the season bringing more snow. I can't wait to see new buds! xx
