
Friday, March 3, 2017

The beautiful Portraits!

And now for the portraits from the wedding!
Once again, I want to give a shout out to my friend, Vonda, at Following Splendor Images, for taking such beautiful photos at my son's wedding.  It's so hard to choose which one, or ones :o) , to put on my wall!  I love the memories that were captured!

My family.  Most of them. What a great group of people that mean so much to us!
Should this be the one for my wall?

I love this one, too, of course!  It's all of us 8.  So blessed I am.  I can't help but look at this picture and get teary eyed.  Thank you Lord!

Josh and his groomsmen.  Each of these guys has entered Josh's life at different times and have influenced him in different ways.  They are all a blessing!  A little crazy, but yes, a blessing!

This one makes me laugh.  Josh has loved his crazy socks for a while now.  It's been something for me to try and get used to.  As he and I went shopping, a month before the wedding to get groomsmen gifts, he chose crazy socks.  I went through looking for ones to somehow coordinate with their shirts.  He told me, "Oh no, Mom.  I don't want them to match!"   :o)  When Mrs. Vonda snapped this picture, someone came out and said, "They're not going to keep their pants rolled up like that for the wedding, are they?"  Thankfully, no.

My 3 sisters and me.  Sure do love them and so glad they could be there!

How blessed we were the day we met the Fisher Family!  Each one of them is a precious gift!

Can you see how much Callie loves Tabitha?  I love it!

So glad that my girls love their new sister-in-law!

My handsome boy.

These sisters just make me laugh!  I sure do love them!!

Aren't they a beautiful couple!!

So, this one is a definite one for my wall.  My 8 has now become Us 9!  I love it!  I love my family!!


  1. I'm so glad it wasn't me who had to pick a photo to put on the wall!

  2. Awesome memories and photos. It will be hard to pick just one!

  3. The pictures are all so beautiful. I love the simple country colors she picked for her wedding. Even her bouquet is beautiful in its simplicity.
