
Monday, May 22, 2017

A Bee's Knees Mother Daughter Banquet

 We were very blessed to be invited to the Tri-City Baptist Church of Port Charlotte's Mother Daughter Banquet.  The Pastor's Wife, Trina Sheppard, asked if I would come and give the devotion for the ladies.  When I heard the theme was about honeybees, I knew I would have plenty of silly stories to share.  We've had quite an adventure with our beehive!
I was so glad that 3 of my girls could come along with me!
 My sweet friend, Cynthia, volunteered to drive us there.  That was a blessing to me!  We had such sweet fellowship on the way there and on the way home.  We laughed so much!  So thankful for my girls and for sweet friends!

 The food was wonderful and was decorated so cute!

 We were able to sit at a table with the Sheppard family.  What a blessing that was!  They are such an encouragement and we enjoyed visiting with them.

For the devotion, I had Brenna be the beekeeper.  Doesn't she look cute?  Then, I taught on how honey production is greatly affected by the bee's surroundings.  I used that as a jumping board for how ladies are to create an "environment" that will honor the Lord.

So thankful for sister churches that are an encouragement to us.  It was a great day!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful event made even more special by having good friends and family there with you. Hugs and blessings. xx

  2. Thanks for posting!!
    Joanna McCanne

  3. I would have loved to hear your lesson on bees and how it applies to the Christian life.
