
Monday, June 19, 2017

Troy Springs State Park

My sweet Mom came to visit when Patrick was the bus driver for our teens to head to Youth Conference.  (They had a great time at Deep South! And loved all the preaching!!)

 Mom and I had a great few days together.  She had bunches of time with the kids and planned lots of fun stuff to do.  One morning we decided to try a new State Park.  We picked Troy Springs State Park in Branford.

 It was such a gorgeous day!  It was warm, but not too hot and there was a light breeze.  The park is beautiful!!  Our first stop was the picnic area. (There are more tables to the left)  Does anyone else's kids feel that Lunchables are the best picnic lunch?  Works for me!

 We enjoyed a leisurely lunch before we went exploring.

Then, it was down the path to see the springs.  To the right of the path you can see the same sign that many of our State Parks have.  Alligators!  Praise the Lord we didn't see any!

The springs are beautiful!  When we first arrived there were only 3 other cars, so it was a quiet spot!  In the background you can see the Suwanee River.

The water is clear and gorgeous.  I want to come back and swim!

Then, we decided to head out on the 1/2 mile hike.  Perfect distance for how I felt that day.  It was a nice, wide path that had lots of different plants to read about along the way.

Callie found this nut and then found a sign showing that it is a Pignut.  She brought it home and painted it pink. :o)

Have I mentioned that I think Florida is breath-takingly beautiful!!

We found a sign along the trail that said to stop and listen to the sounds around us.  We heard the wind, frogs and lots of insects.  It was so peaceful!

So, we walked and walked.  Part of the trail was under water, so we figured we were going the wrong way.  We found another trail and walked and walked.  Then, we passed some houses and a stable.  Houses and a stable in a state park?  We were lost.  The kids loved it!  They began talking about what we could find to eat and where we would sleep.  What an adventure!! :o)  Our little 1/2 mile hike was more like 2 miles, but we loved it!

And we arrived back safe and sound to tell Grandma of our adventures!

We loved this park and will go back again soon to show the rest of our family!!


  1. Thanks for posting!!
    Looks like y'all had a great time. :)

  2. What a perfect looking day to enjoy some time with loved ones in the park :-)
