
Monday, July 10, 2017

23 Years!

My sweetie and I just celebrated 23 years of wedded bliss. :o)  We sure were just kids back then! I've heard a lot of people that have opinions about marrying young.  For us, I wouldn't have it any other way!! 

After Patrick graduated high school and went off to the Air Force, I missed him so much.  And he missed me. ;o)  We knew we wanted to be together.  My parents gave their blessing for us to marry as soon as I graduated.  It was kind of out-of-the-norm to be planning my wedding as I was being fitted for my cap and gown! 

We have grown up together, shared so many memories, and had our love grow even stronger than we thought possible.  God has been so good to us!  If I had to choose, I would most definitely marry this man all over again!  (And at the age of 18!)

We were so thankful that Pastor and Mrs. Judy Strange were able to be with us in the evening services.  It was pretty neat to have the man that officiated our wedding ceremony preached for us at VSIBC 23 years later!


  1. Congratulations!
    We so enjoy to read your blog and love seeing what's new with your family! :)
    Congratulations to Josh & Tabitha on their little blessing as exciting!!
    God bless y'all as you serve Him!
    Many blessings~
    The Mayo Family

  2. Such a sweet story. I'm so glad you met your lifetime mate so young and that you have shared a blessed life and ministry together. Happy 23 years! May you have many, many more :-)

  3. Hello again!
    We have tried to comment before but for some reason, it won't accept the comment! So...we will go through as "anonymous" and see if that works! Smile...
    We so enjoy looking at your blog and love seeing what's new with everyone! You have a beautiful family! Congratulations on 23 years! And congratulations to Josh & exciting!
    God bless as you serve him!
    Many blessings~
    The Mayo Family
