
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Confused Peaches

 Peaches has turned into a really great family pet (if you forget the time she had heaven, our chicken, in  her mouth)  She loves to roam our property and bark at grasshoppers and walking sticks.  She loves to be with the kiddos!  But what she really loves????

 Is our goats.  She spends a good bit of time in the paddock with them.  She especially loves when Silas goes to take care of them.  She will follow him out there and try to herd the goats.  She jumps up and tries to play with them. I think they are tolerating her.
But, we've noticed a problem...
 The more time she spends with them, the more she acts like them!
She chews and chews any shrubbery or plants she can find.
 And when I took out the trash not too long ago, she backed up, put her head down, and ran full force into my leg.  My dog actually headbutted me!

Crazy dog!  She seems to like life on our little family farm!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha, she certainly is copying the goats. I hope she will grow out of it.
