
Saturday, September 9, 2017

Hurricane Irma

 The latest reports on hurricane Irma are not looking too good.  It looks like the eye of the storm may pass directly over us.  And as of the update a couple of hours ago, it could be a category 2 or even a 3 when it does.  Please pray for us!

We started several days ago making the necessary preparations.  We have plenty of supplies and last night Patrick and Joshua boarded up all the windows of our beautiful home.  As I type, I'm filling up large buckets of water  to have on hand.  We will be without power.  And no power means no water. All 9 of us will most likely flee to a local area since our home is a mobile home.  Please pray for our home to be safe, but more importantly for my family to remain safe.

Please pray also for the precious families of VSIBC.  Many of them live in mobile homes as well.  We have checked on everyone, and all have a safe place to go to.  We have the church all boarded up and ready to go, too.

Please also pray for our families in Fort Myers.  They are right in the path as well and will feel the worst impacts.  They are all in a safe location, but pray, pray, pray.

Also, pray for St. Barths.  This is the beautiful island that God let us serve on for almost 3 years.  There are many pictures here on my blog of this gem.  But, St. Barths has been devastated by Irma.  Many have lost their homes, including Patrick's Grandmother and many other family members.  Pray that God will use this tradegy to turn the people of the island's hearts toward Him.

Thank you for praying!  I'll update when I can! God is always good!


  1. I saw the devastation in St. Barths and many of the Caribbean islands. It is so heartbreaking. I'm praying for all of you in Florida. Much love and prayers. May God keep you all under his protective wing (Ps. 91:4). Hugs.xx

  2. My family and I will be praying for you all.

  3. We are praying too. Love you all.

  4. I will pray for you and your family's safety.

  5. Praying for you and wondering about your present status. Love you all!
