
Friday, September 8, 2017

One More Blue Ridge Post

 I know there has been a bunch of posts on our Blue Ridge vacation.  There are just so many memories that I want to remember!  A week before we left, Patrick told me that it would be so nice to grill some steaks while at the cabin.  But, finances were tight preparing to go on our vacation. So, we didn't think it would be possible.  Then, we had some dear friends from from VSIBC come to our door with several packs of TBONE steaks!  They had no idea the desire of our hearts that we only shared with each other!  Isn't God so amazing!!

 The steaks were wonderful!!

 We had fun making s'mores around the campfire.

 The girls kept up with their college classes.  They had many beautiful "desks" to choose from!

We praise the Lord for the time away and memories made.  As our trip was coming to an end, all of decided we were ready for home! We missed our beautiful North Central Florida, the flat land, our home, our church and our family!  God sure is good!


  1. Looks like y'all had a great time!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love it when God answers the simple desires of our hearts. Amazing and wonderful. I pray you and your family will be safe in Florida as the hurricane makes it way there. Praying for God's protection. xx
