
Saturday, September 2, 2017

Vacation to Blue Ridge

 It was about a year ago that Patrick and I looked at our quickly changing family, and wonderfully-busy schedule and decided, "We really need to take a family vacation!"

We knew that both of us, and our kiddos too, needed to have a little break and make some memories together.  We also knew that we needed a place to go to just relax. Yes, plan a few activies, but to truly relax. We wanted a peaceful, beautiful setting.  We also knew we didn't want to spend more than a day driving to a place.  So, we settled on staying in the mountains of Blue Ridge, Georgia!

 We found a great cabin!  We put down our deposit and began scrimping all our change and extra money and putting into a huge water bottle.  We also began praying in the money and watched the Lord provide!  It was exciting!  Last week we enjoyed a memory-filled, relaxing, family vacation. It was so wonderful!

 It was interesting booking a cabin online that we had never seen.  We were not disappointed!!  My husband and boys loved all the stuffed creatures looking back at us!  The cabin was beautiful!  We had plenty of room and the decorations were so adorable.  But, best of all, it was so clean!! We loved our cabin!

 Downstairs had a pool table and an arcade game.  My girls loved playing pool!

 We put together puzzles,

 played checkers,

 ...and the girls even did some work on their college classes.  Our vacation just happened to fall on their first week of school.  We didn't realize that. :o(  But, they are enjoying their courses!

 The kids put together crafts from Dollar Tree,

 We had picnics on the beautiful porch,

 and ate yummy food.
It was absolutely wonderful.  And such a blessing from the Lord!

I'll post soon about some of the activities we did while in Blue Ridge.  We sure did have a great time!


  1. I am so glad you got to spend that time together as a family. Those are memories you'll never forget.

  2. It looks like your cabin was huge! I'm so glad you had a time of being away together to relax.

  3. Looks like y'all had a great time!!
    Thanks for posting!!
