
Sunday, October 22, 2017

He's learning!

There was a lot of excitement in the Gimenez house this week.  Micah finished reading through his first book!  He was so excited and was jumping up and down and then ran to tell each of his family members.  I loved it as they shared in the excitement with him!

I just love the A beka phonics curriculum.  For kindergarten, I buy the phonics charts, beginner books, and workbook.  I begin by going at their pace starting with the alphabet and the sound each letter makes.  Then, we move to the blends and then the words with one vowel.  Each pace has been different for each of my kiddos, because I don't do any K-4 or a whole lot of earlier practice with them.   By the time they enter school, they are ready and have already naturally picked up on some of the letters and their sounds.  It has worked very well for us and they seem to take off and love reading!

We are on to the next book and he is doing so fabulous!  I love homeschooling my blessings and my favorite is teaching them the love of reading!!


  1. Aw, that is so sweet. He is well on th eway to becoming a life long reader ;-)

  2. So cute! Micah is learning something that will give him life long joy.
