
Saturday, November 11, 2017

Joyful Memories

 We really had such a nice time spending a few days in Fort Myers.  It had been too long since I had been "home" for a visit with my parents and sisters.  Too long.  I loved catching up and sharing fun memories!

 Once again, Micah was my Dad's buddy.   If Dad had a project, Micah was there!

 The kids loved playing in the dirt across the street.  Why do kids love dirt so much?  We have that in Fort White.  Yet, we play with it on vacation too!

 Micah learned to change the tires on the golfcart.

 It was so good for us to bring Grammy along and meet up with the Fishers.  Family time is always so special!

1 comment:

  1. This is great! Everyone is having a lot of fun. Just as vacations should be and so nice for you to catch up with other family members. xx
