
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Our First Annual Chili Cook Off

 When we made our 2018 calendars, we looked ahead to October and knew we wanted to do a fallish activity.  A chili cook off was perfect!  We had 9 contestants sign up to bring chili and have it judged.
Tabitha so sweetly let Callie help her make chili.  It made Callie's day!

 So thankful for the wonderful relationships in our family!

 To be honest, being a judge was quite nerve wracking!  I thought I would love it, but each chili tasted so good and it was hard to decide!!

 Brenna was in charge of dishing out the chili and bringing it to us, that way we had no idea whose chili we were sampling.

 We drank milk in between to cleanse our palettes. ;o)

 And the deserving winner received a 1st place plaque!  All of the chilis tasted so good!

 Then, it was time for lots of games and fellowship!

We finished off the evening with a firepit with singing and sharing testimonies.  Have I mentioned lately that I love my church family?  They truly are a blessing from the Lord!


  1. Looks like so much fun! I can't wait to meet your church family.

  2. Ha, ha, another fun even. You judges look sooooo serious, lol. I love the bonfire, singing and testimonies too.
