
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Special Memories with our Special Michigan Family

 ***Just a warning, I'm going to try to fit a million memories into this one there will be plenty of pictures!

A few weeks ago I was having a rough day.  My doctors appointments weren't going too well and I was in tears.  My Aunt Robin knew it was difficult for me and called and asked if she could arrange a week for me to come to Michigan and visit family.  After talking it over with Patrick, we knew this would be a wonderful idea.  And the bonus...Callie was able to come along with me!!
So, a few days after getting back from Fort Myers, Callie and I hopped on a plane and flew to Detroit!!
To say that she was excited is an understatement.  My girl and I had so much fun and she was a wonderful travelling buddy!!
We enjoyed several family meals around my Mam-maw's table.  So many wonderful memories in this place while I was growing up!

 Callie was able to meet her 3 great-great uncles.  She loved them all!  And they loved her!

 Her Uncle Link asked if she would like a can of "Pop."  My poor Florida girl...she said "What's pop?"  My family thought that was funny.  Her Uncle Bill rescued her and got her a can of "Coke"  :o)

 We enjoyed services at Mam-maw and Robin's church and was even able to attend their revival one night.  Exciting things are happening there and people are getting saved!

 Fall is in full bloom in Michigan.  Callie enjoyed being outside some.  She was so cold!

 Making turtles with Robin.  They were so yummy!

 Reading to Mam-maw.

 I love Michigan grass!   As a little girl, I couldn't wait to run barefoot all over my Mam-maw's yard.
 We enjoyed dinner and show at Turkeyville.

 We went with Robin one day to her church office.  She is the secretary.  Callie thought it was great fun to be in a basement.  That's something we don't have in Florida!

 Callie with two of her 5th cousins.  Wow!  Not many people can say that they breakfasted with their 5th cousins!  Callie had a great time!!

 One night it actually snowed just a little.  Callie thought it was a blizzard.  Oh how excited she was!! I don't think our Michigan family was quite as excited as her about the snow!

Callie made Robin a to-do list.  I like #5!

 The colors were absolutely breathtaking!  Wow, our God sure is the greatest artist!

And in a snap our trip was over.  Too quick.  Although it's always good to get home, we sure do miss our Michigan family.  They spoiled Callie and I and we made memories to last a life time.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a good time!
    Thanks for sharing!
