
Friday, December 1, 2017

Embracing the Journey

I have to tell you.  I am enjoying this new season of life.  Last Thanksgiving was special.  It was very sweet.  But, it was also quite emotional.  We knew this would be Joshua's last Thanksgiving while still living in our home.  Wedding plans were in full swing and lots of things were being prepared.  But, our minds reflected to the days ahead.  And I have to be honest with you...I was scared.  I was afraid I would dwell on missing having all 6 of my children under my roof.  I put up a quote on my bulletin board where I have my quiet time.  It says, "Embrace the journey and the exciting future ahead."  I wanted that to be true, but I was already missing my son, and he hadn't even left yet!

Last year, as we sat around the table and we shared what we are thankful for, my Joshua said, 
 "I'm thankful for my family that I have, and for my family to come."

I remember well, that we all stopped a moment and had a good cry.  In my heart I knew that things would never be the same.  And, I have some news.  They aren't the same.  My boy is not living under our roof.  He is his own man.  Making his own decisions.  And has a new girl taking care of him.  It's not me anymore.  But, do you know what?  I'm enjoying it.  This season of life has so much excitment and joy!  I truly am embracing the journey and the exciting days ahead!

We knew that Joshua and Tabitha had decided to have a sweet, romantic Thanksgiving meal.  Just the two of them.  In my heart there was joy.  I love seeing my boy enjoy his marriage and treasure his wife.  And make new family memories and traditions.  That's what I want for him. 
So, the night before Thanksgiving we invited them over for Sloppy Joes and tater tots.  As we sat around the table, Silas said, "Why don't we share what we are thankful for tonight since we're all together!"  And we did.  Do you know what my Josh said?  With a love in his eyes, he looked at Tabitha and said, "I'm thankful for my family." Just like last year, I cried again.  But, this time my tears weren't for fear of what was ahead.  But, they were joy for what is now.  I am so blessed!

Thanksgiving morning we had 2 guests drop in to borrow an extra casserole dish.  Aren't they adorable?

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