
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Our December Prayer Letter and direction for our future

December 5, 2017
Dear Pastor & Church,

              I could have never imagined to be where we are today when we started our journey as missionaries back in 2006.  There have been mountains and valleys with each day that has passed.  However, we have seen and experienced that God is on the mountaintops and He is also the beautiful Lily of the valleys. 

            As we were preparing the church plant here in High Springs to be self-sufficient and ready to take on a pastor, a seasoned church planter challenged our family to pray about our next step.  As we prayed, we came together as a family with the same answer.  God wants our family to remain here at VSIBC and take the Pastorate.  The church here is in full agreement and we are excited about what the future holds.  Not only has this become home and the precious families here have become our family, but it also allows Kami the opportunity to remain with her current doctors at the University of Florida, Shands.  We continue to hope that one day soon will have an answer for Kami’s health difficulties. 

            In March of 2018, we will be stepping down as missionary church planters and assuming the role of Pastor here at VSIBC.   Thusly, we are asking our supporting churches to remain with us until March of 2018.  This will give the VSIBC church plant a full three years of growth.  We do not know if VSIBC will be able to fully support our family come March, but then again, a life lived for Christ is all about a life of FAITH!  A few pastors have already said that they would be willing to support our family beyond March if the church here is not quite able to fully support us at that time.  We have always been humbled by the love and faithfulness of our supporting churches throughout these past 11 years.
            The home office of MWBM is graciously allowing our family to remain a part of Macedonia beyond March of 2018.  This will allow for any of our supporting churches to simply continue supporting our family for as long as they desire, until the church here can fully support our family. 

It has also been recommended that I mention the idea of helping VSIBC in a unique way.  VSIBC continues to have a great need for a permanent location to meet in.  We desperately need a building or land on which to build.  But as we all know, finances are always needed in these endeavors.  We have already raised $25,000 in the building fund here and our people have proven a desire to give.  However, it does take a bit more money than this to begin a building project.  If a church so desires to help in this endeavor, you can support VSIBC’s building fund from March through December of 2018 This may be done by simply designating that our monthly personal support be switched to “VSIBC’s Building Fund” starting in March.  100% of the monies received will be directed to VSIBC’s building fund.  Then we would ask that all support cease at he end of 2018. 
 If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me at my cell below.  We praise the Lord for each and every one of you…
Patrick Gimenez and Family

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for speaking clearly to you about future directions. May his guiding hand of direction and provision continue in your lives and in the lives of the VSIBC congregants. I pray too for an answer to Kami's health. God bless!
