
Monday, December 11, 2017

Time to trim the tree

 Pulling out the Christmas boxes is so fun!  But, time seems to be speeding up.  Didn't I just put those away a couple of weeks ago? 

It's exciting to see my kiddos faces light up at certain ornaments or decorations that they love.

 Everyone likes to participate as we decorate our tree.  This year, Patrick wanted to do more of a football themed tree.  My girls insisted we still add all our family ornaments to our tree as well.  It turned out beautiful!

 Since I was a little girl, I put the star on the tree.  Now, I do it in my home.  My kids know....don't mess with the star!  That's Momma's job! :o)
 And, it turned out beautiful again! 


  1. It's so pretty! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your tree looks absolutely beautiful. Don't you just love the glow of Christmas lights in the dark? I find it magical. I laughed when you said the children know not to mess with the star. That was a job I enjoyed as a youngster. Take care dear heart and have a fabulous Christmas.
