
Saturday, January 27, 2018

A Goal to Saturate

If you know me very well, you know that in January, I love to map out my year and set some goals.  I love to look ahead to the end of the coming year and decide what I would like for myself and my family.  This year was the same.  I set some goals.  They are great goals and I'm so excited about the upcoming year!
I love the accountability I gain from posting on my blog.  So, I thought I would share my plans for 2018.  
This year I want to:

*Visit 20 State Parks-I've mentioned before that I want to visit every state park in Florida by the time my Silas graduates.  It's time to make that start happening!  In fact, we visited a new park yesterday. Oh wow! It was beautiful!  I'll post on that soon!

*Piano lessons for Silas, Callie and Micah (finish book one)- My Brenna has been giving my 3 little ones piano lessons.  She does a great job. But, I need to do my part as the parent and make sure they practice.  They're doing great!

*Encouragement-God has given me so many people to encourage me throughout my life.  I want to do the same.  I have some ideas of how to make this happen and what to do.  I'm excited about it!

*Train Peaches-Oh my sweet dog...she needs to be trained.  And she needs to be trained where she should spend her time during the day.  So, it's my goal to get this puppy of mine trained!

*Read/Study/Write the Epistles-So, this is the goal I am most excited about.  As I prayed at the end of the year about how God would have me study His Word in the coming year, I kept thinking of the Letters that Paul wrote (Epistles)  I just kept coming back to that idea.  So, instead of reading my Bible completely through this year, I'm going read the Epistles.  But, I'm not just going to read through and be done, I want to saturate myself with them!  So, I've divided them up according to month:
February- 1 Corinthians
March- 2 Corinthians
August-1 Thessalonians
September-2 Thessalonians
November-2 Timothy
December-Titus & Philemon

Each month I will read and read and read the book for the month.  I will also listen to it.  And I would like to write it as well.  A couple of years ago my friend Jessi mentioned about how she and her husband write out Scripture.  I hadn't been able to forget that.  And then, last year I read Deuteronomy 17:18-19.   It talks of of a king writing out God's Word so he may learn to fear the LORD his God and keep the Words.  I'm enjoying so much writing out what I'm reading.  I do find it sticks in my brain more and gives me more understanding.

It sure is going to be a great year!


  1. We are so much alike 😀. I think it is amazing that we are both studying God's Word the same way this year!!! Loving Romans kind of sad to have January end! Have you heard about Journables? I bought one for Samuel last year for his birthday and one this year too😀. Have a great day, Friend!

  2. That is so neat! I am loving reading it this way! I have not heard about Journables. I will look into it! Thanks for your sweet encouragement. :o)

  3. I loved reading about your goals this year. For many years I posted my goals on my blog to also be accountable but for the last 3 years I have not done it. I more or less know some of my big goals and some of my smaller ones ;-) I like how you will study scripture this year as I love the Apostle Paul. I'm so looking forward to the movie that will come out around Easter about Apostle Paul. Visiting 20 parks will be fun for you and the whole family.

  4. I looked up Journables too. I hadn't heard of them before but I guess they enable a person to study the Word like sister Jessi does. I haven't tried this approach yet. It might help with memorization.

  5. Hmmm. BJ and I haven't done that in a while. You've challenged me to begin writing God's Word some more. Thanks! By the way, a few years ago I got journables for BJ's birthday too. They are a great tool for this project.
