
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Awake America~Florida

Patrick and Josh have been planning a trip to the Florida Capitol for Awake America.  It's a great time for Pastors to get together, pray for the state and their leaders.  They also go to the Senator's and Congressmen's offices and pray for them.  It's a great opportunity!

The day before they left, Patrick asked Silas if he wanted to go along too.  My Silas was so excited!! Time with the guys!  He said, "I haven't been on a trip with Josh since he got married!"

He packed a bag with toys and joke books and was ready for the 2 hour trip to Tallahassee.

The service the night before was a blessing and they asked Josh to sing in the choir.

Silas was preapred to get as much brother time as possible!  He was actually watching TV from the mirror on the back wall of the hotel room.  :o)

The next day it was time to head to the Capitol!

Patrick said they were able to pray with some of our state's leaders and it was a blessing to be there!

My Silas loved seeing the Capitol.  He loved hearing preaching and being around Preachers and leaders of America.  But....he especially loved time with his Dad and big brother!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this post and seeing Silas bond with his brother and father. It's so sweet. On top of that much prayer was offered for Florida and it's leadership. Good one!
