
Saturday, January 6, 2018

Happy 9th Birthday to my Silas Boone!

It seems like it was just yesterday we five were welcoming our Silas Boone into the world.  Oh my, how he was prayed for.  God gave him to us as an answer to our prayers and we are so very thankful.

Today he turned 9.  Big boy, trying to grow up 9.  I'm so proud of the young man he's becoming.  He's super sensitive, super thankful, and super fun to be with.

He loves football and if nothing is really happening around home, he's tossing the ball in the air.  Whether we are inside or out.  You will usually find a ball in his hands.

The past few months he's gotten into magic tricks and is getting very good at slight of hand.

He's also turned into quite a joke teller.  He can be quite funny!  I love it when he laughs at his own jokes. :o)

He still has a strong desire to preach and is already asking his Dad for another oppurtunity.

I'm so thankful for this boy of mine!  Happy Birthday Silas Boone!

1 comment:

  1. He looks and sounds like a fine young boy. Soon he will be a young man. They grow so quickly. Happy Birthday to your darling son.
