
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

A New Project

So, I dropped a hint to my husband a couple of days ago.  Dropping a hint goes something like this:

"Oh sweetie, have you heard about....."
"I think it would be great if we tried to get...."
Then, I print info up about the new idea and leave it where he can see it
Then, I look up sites with the info and when he opens his computer it is still open
Then, I take a nice romantic walk with coffee in hand around our property and say, "Oh this would be such a great place for...."

And, what do you know, that afternoon he heads to Lowe's and buys the supplies! ;o)

Now, don't worry, sometimes I come right out and say, "Honey can we....?" 

Sure do love this sweetie of mine!

Any ideas of what he is building for me?


  1. It's nice your husband can take a hint ;-)

  2. Oops, I forgot to say, it looks like he is building a planter box for raised planting.

  3. Maybe a flower bed?

  4. First, although I've rarely left a comment (two or three I think?) in the past, I am very thankful you were able to unprivatize the blog. I live in NYC and while the saints here are praying it is still a dark place to live spiritually speaking. Ok! Now...before I even read the comments I was also thinking this will have perhaps something to do with growing your own veggies?
