
Monday, February 5, 2018

Blue Springs...Florida's Newest State Park

We are loving visiting our Florida State Parks!  After school Friday, we decided to visit a new one...Blue Springs State Park.  It used to be privately owned, but the state recently bought it.


A sign we have seen at every state park so far!

We could tell that the state had recently bought the park.  They didn't even have maps printed yet!  And there were a few things that needed fixing that I know they will get to soon!

The springs were absolutely gorgeous!  So deep and such a beautiful color!

It was quite chilly that day and very overcast.  The kids were comfy in their short sleeves, but the girls and I kept on a sweater.

 After a great, busy week of school, the park is the perfect place to go!

The park is so beautiful!  Even in our brownish, winter time, it has so much Florida beauty!

 We even saw some turtles in the springs!

Then, it was time for a hike.  I love this part! They didn't have a map for the trails and they weren't marked very well.  So, it was quite an adventure figuring out where to go.  We hiked for about an hour and ended up where we started.

We saw so many things that led to lots of science review.  Homeschooling at its finest!!

There were many smaller springs along the way.

We found this huge Cypress Tree.  You can see where the flooding marks are from our recent storms and hurricane Irma.  This area was quite flooded!

We found this attached to a tree.  Any idea what it is?  It was about the size of a nickel.

Silas was wondering what animal makes its home in there.

Another spring found along the way.

 We all loved this park!  They had several sand volleyball courts and lots of picnic tables.  I know this place is very packed in the summer with swimmers.  We visited at a great, quiet time and enjoyed the beautiful outdoors of the state of Florida!  Lovin' where we live!!


  1. It looks like a beautiful park. I love parks and the more the better so nature can be preserved for all to enjoy.

    I don't know what that nickel sized thing is on the tree. It kind of looks like hives from a honeycomb. Though I can't figure out what it would be doing on the outside of a tree and it is only a very small part of a comb.

  2. Such pretty pictures. Don't you just love those family days? I sure do.
