
Monday, March 5, 2018

I LOVE You Banquet Part 3

Then, it was on to dessert.  We normally like to do Chocolate Fondue on New Year's Eve.  It just didn't work out this year.  So, Beth said we should do it for our banquet.  It worked out perfect!  And soooo yummy!

Callie couldn't decide which to dip!

What a great family night we had!  So thankful for this Gimenez crew that I get to live life with.  They're pretty amazing!!

1 comment:

  1. I can see your daughters are really growing up and maturing (facial changes). The little princess is as sweet as ever and looking so lovely in her red and white outfit and resting comfortably in auntie's arms. The chocolate fondue looks amazing. No wonder Callie couldn't decide what to dip. Everything looks tantalizing :-)
