
Saturday, April 21, 2018

Ponder ~ Whatsoever things are Honest

Close your eyes.  Just for 20 seconds.  Just think...Just Ponder.

So, what did you think about?  Does your family member in the same room, that probably thought you fell asleep, know what you thought about?  What about your very best friend, your mother, your husband, your they know what you chose to think about?  No.  It's just you and the Lord.  So then, why is what we ponder in our hearts so important?

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he;"  Proverbs 23:7  Our thoughts are so important!  What we think about will eventually come out in our actions and our words!

The next Ponder word in Philippians 4:8 is Honest.  As I studied this word out, I confess it was quite convicting. 

Honest~ honourable, dignified, noble,  that which inspires reverence and awe.  Geneva Bible notes says, "Such things as beautify"  

Hefty list for what we should be thinking about, isn't it?

Often we can check to make sure our thoughts are lining up with God's Word by checking the negative sense of the word and what it produces.  If our thoughts are not honest what happens?  We usually focus on the sins and assumed faults of others....and it comes out as gossip.  We have a problem with gossip when our thoughts aren't right ---it starts with our hearts first!

How to know if we struggle with pondering what is HONEST:

1. We often need to vent (to husband, mother, friend,sister)  Venting is just a form of complaining about another person.  It is gossip.  Often when we "vent'"  we are actually trying to build ourselves up while talking about the mistakes and faults of others.  What happens to the person we are "venting" to?  Now they have those judgmental, hateful thoughts embedded in their mind.

2. We leave a conversation thinking, "Why did I say that?"  "I hope she doesn't tell anyone what I said!"

3.  We start a conversation by saying, "I need to share something with you, but you can't tell a soul!"

4.  Our main topic of conversation is about other people in a negative sense.

Remember Prov 23:7.  If we're struggling to ponder that which is honest, it will eventually come out in the our actions and words.

How do we start thinking on what is honest:

1. Be careful of idle times in our thinking (blow drying hair, doing dishes, driving)  Use that time to have Holy Ponderings!
Patrick said recently in a message that another definition for holy can be "of the highest quality".  Our thinking should be of the highest quality!
I've heard of Mommas that use their folding and ironing time to pray for the person that wears those clothes.  While doing dishes we can work on a scripture we are memorizing, listen to a great sermon,  or sing!  While driving we can play games with those in the car or talk about their day.   

2. Remember, our thoughts are our choice.  Choose to think on what is true and honest!  It will take effort as we "take every thought captive"  2 Corinthians 10:5

It does take effort to have Holy Ponderings, but, God wouldn't have commanded us to do something impossible!

Purpose to think on what is True.  And what is Honest.


  1. This was a blessing, Kami. Thank you for posting this lesson.

  2. I love this post. It's based on another of my favourite verses. I use it often to remind myself that though there are many evil and nasty things in the world, I am to think on positive and lovely things (and pray for the others). I also use it as reminders to think and speak rightly and positively to my circumstances when they are not going well. God bless you Kami!

  3. Great post, thank you for sharing it.
