What a week!!! I started off the week telling Patrick that we didn't really have anything scheduled this week other than the norm. Oh boy! A week of relaxing? Not quite. Always busy around here with much to do! We are now in the homestretch of the school year. So exciting! We've decided to condense things a bit and try and double up...that's the life of a homeschooler! This Momma's brain is tired! But, we are making it, and it feels so good to get so much done. We've done some projects around the house and outside. God has poured unspeakable blessings on us and answered prayers that only He could answer have come to fruition. It's been a good week. Memorable and blessed.
So glad to hear that though you are very busy things are getting done. That is always a good feeling. Continued blessings and strength for you and your family. xx