
Monday, May 21, 2018

VSIBC, moving along!

God knew we needed a church family.  God knew the people, the place, all the things that we needed.  I am so thankful for VSIBC.   The church is doing well and our core is growing in number, but more importantly, spiritually!  Exciting times here!  It is so neat adding a choir to the ministries of the church.   Choir practice really is a blast.  I'm in between two of the funnest people.  My poor choir director (AKA, my son Joshua) puts up with a lot of giggles and laughter.  It's a wonderful Sunday afternoon.  And I love singing!  He's picked out some great songs to praise the Lord!

These two.  They really bring me so much joy.  Tabitha brings so much to our church.  As the Youth Director's wife, she has so much love for her teen girls.  It's not always an easy ministry.  There has been some heartache as she bears the burdens of those God has called her to serve.  She willingly gives of her time and the time of her husband.  She is so faithful.  And so amazing.
And I really need to say more?  :o)  She has stolen the heart with every member of VSIBC!  Just looking into that adorable face makes me smile even as I type!!  Yes, I'm quite smitten!

We even had a little play for Easter.  The kids did great!

Love my church family!  No place I'd rather be!


  1. You have just as many people in your church as we do in our old one! I bet you are much better singers even with giggles during rehearsals! Tabitha and Liberty are both beautiful!

  2. Lovely. I miss being in a choir ;-)

  3. Liberty and her mama are beautiful and I just love Liberty's facial expressions :-)
