
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

What did I grow?

I've mentioned before...I just don't have a green thumb.  But, I have the desire!!  This year's summer garden wasn't quite the success I hoped for.  I did harvest some vegetables.  I grew cucumbers and eggplants.  We enjoyed those!  And I grew an unexpected blessing...the sweet pepper plant I bought was actually jalepenos.  Hhhhm.  What do I do with those?  I like Jalepeno Poppers.  But, these were quite small and very hot!  So, I looked up a recipe for Jalepeno Jam. 

I whipped up a batch.  It made 4 nice size jars.  And the verdict?  Success!!! I loved it!  Patrick loved it !  Even the kids loved it!!  It has a nice sweetness with a little kick.  And it looks pretty in the jars.:o)
 I used this recipe from jamie cooks it up, but with a little twist to it.  I added 1 cup of brown sugar, 1/2 cup white vinegar and 1 t. of salt.

 Last night I tried it out on our company and they loved it too!  I served it on crackers with some cream cheese. 

So, I now know that I can grow jalepenos.  I think this will be a yearly staple.  Now excuse me please while I go have another cracker with jalepeno jam! :o)


  1. Well done! I love jalepeno jam too.

  2. I love this post! We, too, grow jalapeños (on purpose ;) and I love making jelly and jam. Our peppers were huge and prolific this year so I have also made multiple batches of poppers. Tip for the jam - try it on toast topped with bacon. Yumm!! :)
