
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Is my name "Busy?"

My kiddos have recently been introduced to the 1960s cartoon, The Jetsons.  They think it's quite funny, yet I think they may relate somewhat to it.  During lunch yesterday they were talking about how Mrs Jetson was complaining about having to do laundry.  She would put the dirty laundry into a machine and it would come out clean and folded.  (I sure do like the folded part!)  Micah said, "Those people are lazy!  That's not really doing laundry!"  Silas then put on his philosophical look and said that the easier we have it, the lazier we become.  I reminded them of how laundry used to be done and that people 100 years ago might think that we are quite lazy because of all the things we have to make it easier and quicker for us.  Then, Brenna said something that caused me to stop and Ponder.  She said, "Yet, we are busier than ever.  Even though we have it easier."

Why are we so busy?  With all the modern conveniences, we should have more time on our hands.  Yet we don't.  Not at all.

There are definitely "Time robbers" in everyone's life.  I think it's different for everyone.  But, I think it comes down to our enemy.  He knows us too well.  And he knows if he can get us busy, then we can forget to think on the Lord and our purpose He has for us here.

I've been reading the book,  I feel precious to God  by Beverly Hyles.  I am enjoying it so much!  I read a quote today that goes along with the thought from yesterday.  Mrs. Hyles was writing about an unexpected time she had in Virginia to rest and be refreshed. She said,

"One thing that refreshed me most was a small river lined with trees and willows.  I just took time to look at the perfect reflection of each one in the water.  One reason Christ is not reflected in us is because we are often filled with "busyness."  We are never still."

This morning I wrote out my to-do list, like I usually do.  Busy.  Yes, I am.  There are many good things on my list.  And honestly all are necessary.  But I don't want my kids to see "Busy"  I want them to see a Momma taking care of them and doing the necessary tasks of the day.

   Busy says, "I have to do this so don't bother me. "
   Busy says, "I have all this stuff to do and I'm not enjoying it!"  
   Busy says, "There's too much on my plate!" 
   Busy seems to grumble and complain about being busy. 

On the other hand, a Momma that is reflecting Christ will say, "I have many things I get to accomplish today."  She focuses on the blessings of having a family to take care of and a home to beautify.  She doesn't rush about from task to task, because she has wisely looked at her time and hasn't planned too much.  She's careful of time robbers and cherishes every moment.  She redeems the time.  She keeps things in "Apple Pie Order" because she plans carefully, but doesn't busy herself with too  much stuff to take care of.  The people in her home are her focus, not the stuff. 

Busy.  Not a name I would like to be called.  I need to work on that. For Christ to be reflected in me is my goal.  I pray that He will!

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