
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

An Emotional Night

Last night we had a sweet service at VSIBC.  Our service was moved to Tuesday night for the Thanksgiving Holiday.  Patrick asked everyone to come prepared to praise the Lord and to share a blessing.  For Patrick and I, it was quite emotional.  For his praise, he read our latest prayer letter, which is also our last prayer letter as Macedonia Missionaries.

November 20, 2018

Dear Supporting Pastors, Churches & Individuals,

                I would like to humbly begin this letter by saying, Thank you to all of the faithful churches who have faithfully labored to keep us in the service of our Savior with the many prayers and financial support!  We have seen God do so many amazing things and it is due, in large part, to our supporting churches.  

                Victory Springs Ind. Baptist Church is a young, thriving church that now supports 10 missionaries, is seeing people saved & baptized on a regular basis, and is adding daily to your account in Heaven.   The church still has much growing to do, but we are determined to stay on the Old Paths and we are seeing God bless in so many ways!  A mom from our bus route recently trusted Christ as Savior and is working on a discipleship course with my wife.  We have seen several more saved over the past 2 months and several have followed the Lord in believer’s baptism.   Also, we just recently baptized a young boy who came to church with his momma on the very first day we had services at VSIBC.  Now, his daddy and momma are faithful to church, help clean, sing, work in Junior Church, work in the nursery, and now their son trusted Christ and was baptized.  This is added to your account.

                With joy mingled with tears, I am writing what is going to be our final prayer letter.  It is sad that our time as Macedonia missionaries is coming to an end.  We are grateful for each and every one of you…the prayers, support, love and friendship have kept us on the field and in the fight over these past 12+ years.   We will officially be resigning with Macedonia World Baptist Missions on December 31, 2018 and will be ceasing all of our missionary support at this time.  Come January 1, 2019, VSIBC will be responsible for taking sole care of their pastor and we are excited about seeing what the Lord is going to do over the next many years. 

                 As I close this letter, I want to share one last prayer request.    There is a piece of property that has become available on one of the main highways here in High Springs.   It is 5.7 acres and is zoned Commercial.  There is already a paved driveway onto the property as well as city water-hookups.   We are needing $89,000 to purchase this property to become the future home of VSIBC.  Would you please help us pray for God to provide the funds needed?  Would you be willing to take up one last Christmas offering, not for the Gimenez family, but to help VSIBC and these young Christians to purchase this property?   Any offerings given can be sent directly to Victory Springs Ind. Baptist Church and sent to the following address: P.O. Box 539, High Springs, FL 32655.

                Thank you again and may the Lord bless every one of you.  Rest assured, that we love you all.  If you are ever in the North-Central part of Florida, know that you have a church to attend at VSIBC!
Patrick Gimenez and Family

Many tears were shed.  I can't explain it, but I'll try.  It's sad that we are no longer "Missionaries"  Although we are filled with joy that my husband is now a "Pastor."  We are sad to be leaving the Macedonia World Baptist Missions Family, but are so thankful for the many lifelong friends we've made along the way.  We are sad that this stage in our life has come to end, but so excited about what the Lord has for our future at VSIBC.  So, this letter was a praise.  I praise God for always being in control.  I praise Him for my health.  I praise Him for being a wonderful God!


  1. Aw Kami, I can well understand what an emotional night it must have been for you all. The Macedonia World Baptist Missions Family has been there to support you through your call. They can praise God (as can we) for the harvest and that you are now independently supported through the church you oversee and guide. Praise God for everything he has done and how he has kept you all. Praying for the property you would like to purchase. It would be wonderful to see the church moved into this area as a future and permanent home. May God continue to richly bless, guide and provide :-))

  2. I will pray that you get that property as well. I know you will miss the title of missionary, but isn't it wonderful to be doing exactly what God wants you to do? I have enjoyed watching Him lead your lives every step of the way.
