
Thursday, December 20, 2018

Happy Birthday Liberty Anne

Our sweet grandbaby just turned one year old.  Can you believe it?  One year?  It seems like just yesterday we were sitting on the porch from sunup until sundown, waiting for Miss Liberty to arrive. 
I love the picture above.  Liberty is one loved little girl.  Can't you see it in the eyes of her Mommy and Daddy? 

Josh and Tabitha had a cute cake for Liberty, and lots of cupcakes for family.

 She loved it!

She also loved her gifts.  She wanted to stop and play with each one!

Then, there was the last gift to open from her Mommy and Daddy.  It had us all cheering and so excited!  Any ideas what was in that gift???
I'll post on the last gift soon. :o)


  1. I can guess the gift :-)) Happy birthday to little Liberty. She is so sweet.

  2. Happy birthday Liberty!! She is so cute!
    Thanks for sharing!
