
Saturday, December 8, 2018

What a week!!

What a great week it has been!!  This is the 3rd year that we have had Bro. Dave McCoy in to preach our Christmas Revival.  He is such a blessing!  Our church loves to hear him.  He has you laughing one minute, and so convicted the next.  So thankful for the decisions made this week and the encouragement we all received!

Not only does our church love to have Bro. McCoy in, our family loves it when he comes.  He's such an encouragement to my children. they need to see real men of God that love the Lord.   He is especially an encouragement to my husband.  He gleans so much wisdom from him.  

We were so excited to show him the property that VSIBC is looking to purchase.  From the minute he saw it, he was excited to see how the Lord is working on behalf of our church.  We all got out and talked about future plans.  Then, we joined hands and prayed for God to give us this property and to see many souls saved there.

Things are moving right along and on Sunday night we will discuss specific plans with VSIBC and talk about the contract.  We could be looking at owning this property by the end of January!  So exciting!
God is moving in the hearts of our people to give for the building fund.  Some amazing things have been happening at church, and here in our home.  I'll post soon about how God is working!

1 comment:

  1. I love to meet men and woman of God who have the ability to inspire and encourage. It's such a blessing. So glad you were all encouraged by Brother McCoy. It also sounds like exciting things are happening in regards to your new church home. Can't wait to hear more. xx
