
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Heartland Conference and 9 more days!

Shortly after making the decision to move forward with buying the property for VSIBC, someone contacted my husband about coming to the Church Planter's Mission's Conference in OKC.  Patrick knew he wanted to go and one of the men of our church decided to go with him.  God really worked that out because my Patrick really needed someone to come with him and help him because of his achilles.

The way the conference works is that there are church planters from across America that come and present the needs that they have.  Hundreds of Pastors come with money in hand to be a blessing.  They have the burden of starting churches in America and helping those Pastors.  It's amazing!

Not all church planters that come are able to present their ministry.  This year there were 65 planters and there just isn't that much time in the conference for everyone to present.  Our church began praying immediately that Patrick would get the chance to share his burden and our need for money for purchasing the land.  One of our ladies came to me and told me she was praying he would present and that God would give us $17,000.

The second day of the conference we were all watching the livestream and they called Patrick's name!  We were so excited!!  We watched as person after person stood up to say they would give to the ministry of Victory Springs Independent Baptist Church!  The total amount was just under $17,000.  Then, a friend that was watching texted to say she'll make up the rest for it to be an even 17,000.....and she had no idea what one of our ladies was praying for!  Isn't God amazing!?!

We close on the property in just 9 days.   Our church family is overjoyed watching God work as only He can....miraculously!!


  1. Praise the Lord!! So exciting!

  2. Yes, God is amazing. That is wonderful! I'm sure that really increased the lady's faith in your church.

  3. Wow! That is just amazing and what a wonderful testimony of God's amazing provision to your new(ish) small church! Praise God!
