
Sunday, June 14, 2020

Freedom is One!

I can't believe our sweet Freedom Joy turned one year old!  How time flies!  Tabitha planned a cute little family celebration for her.  She made some amazing chocolate cupcakes!! So yummy!  And so adorable!!

Freedom is starting to walk and it's so adorable,  She does this cute little twirl thing when she wants to go the other way.  She also is starting to talk and I am working my hardest at getting her to say "Lolli!"

She enjoyed her cupcakes!

So thankful for my Joshua's sweet family.  They are real, they are happy, and they are such a blessing!  Makes this Momma's heart proud!

Happy Birthday Freedom Joy!  We pray for you everyday that you will see your need of a Saviour at an early age!  I look forward to that day!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to Freedom. She sure looks like she enjoyed the cupcake. I like the photo of Joshua and his family of girls ;-) May God continue to bless and keep them all.
