
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas Eve Night

Christmas Eve was fantastic for us!  We love having our candlelight service at VSIBC!  It's so pretty all lit up and glowing.  The tone of the service is a little more serious and reflective.  Everyone just seems contemplative and thankful as they think about the birth of Christ. (I snapped this photo after getting all the lights on, but before people started arriving.)

This year a cold front started moving through as service began.  There was a ton of wind and lots of rain.  It was pouring down pretty good as people arrived.  But, they came and being around faithful people is a blessing.

Just a few more months until granddaughter number 3 arrives!  So excited! Tabitha is such a cute pregnant lady.  She just glows! :o)  

Liberty wanted her picture with Lollipops.  We said Of course!

Patrick had Silas read the Christmas story from Luke 2.  He did so good!

The people of VSIBC are so gracious and giving!  Mrs. Margarete made this sign for us, although you can't see it very well in the picture. She printed out a poem Beth wrote earlier in the year.  She had her sign it, then mounted it on wood and put a protective coating over it.  It is gorgeous!  Such a wonderful treasure!

My friend, Tracy, knows me very well.  She knows that I really enjoy having goats and bought me this notebook.  Isn't it so cute?!  And what's really neat is that for my goals for next year I was needing 3 notebooks.  Guess how many notebooks I got for Christmas?  God is so good!

We came home during the wind and rain.  Our power had been out, but Thankfully was back back on!  We had a tree down in the yard, but, Praise the Lord!!, it fell in the perfect spot.  Now my goats get  to feast on its leaves for a couple of days!

After spending some family devotion time together reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas and what our decorations and traditions stand for, we opened stockings and gave gifts to Jesus.  I love doing this as a family!

Then, we had the kids all in their beds with the fireplace going. We were all pretty tired from a busy day! I love that they all sleep in the living room together on Christmas Eve night.  Sweet memories!