
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Tea Party Picnic

As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, I drew Callie's name for our "I love you" Banquet.  I gave her some earrings and told her I was going to create a Tea Party Picnic for her and I in the backyard.  The weather finally was pretty enough for us to have our Tea Party! (It has been quite rainy!)

She was so excited!  And so was I!

We had a lovely time together and chatted about tons of stuff.  My girl is quickly growing up into a wonderful lady.  She is becoming a cherished friend, as well as an amazing daughter.

We feasted on herbed mozzarella cheese with crackers, meat and cream cheese sandwiches, fresh strawberries, carrots, pretzels, cookies, and of course....

Tea!  We had Irish Breakfast and it was so yummy!

Then, halfway through, my sweetie came out with cup in hand, ready to join our party.  That just made Callie's day, too. 

What a wonderful time with my girl.  And just in time before the rain began again!


  1. Bless you for doing this for Callie! You can tell by her face that she really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed the dishes especially the teapot!!

    1. I have loved collecting tea stuff ever since I got married. It's been fun! The teapot was a thrift store find. It came with several cups, saucers, and plates. All for $5! :o)

    2. $5.00!!! Wow! I'm glad you found them and have put them to good use.

  2. What a wonderful idea and such a beautiful spread for your tea party with Callie. I know that she would have loved having mama all to herself and to have dear dad join in only made it that much more special.
