
Friday, April 30, 2021

Updated Changes New Way to Follow by Email


A few things have been changing with blogger.  One of them is that pretty soon the Feedburner Widget will no longer be available.  So, for those of you that get notifications of a new post by email, you will no longer get that in your inbox.  

I decided to sign up with FollowIt for email options.  It's just as easy before....enter in your email at the gray box to the right of the screen that says, "Get every post delivered to your email inbox" then, respond to the email sent to confirm your subscription.  Easy Peasy.

Thanks to those that follow my blog.  Your encouragement has been a blessing to me!  I started this blog over 13 years ago to keep our supporting churches and family updated.  We were on deputation traveling with our 3 kiddos, raising support to go to the French West Indies.  A lot has happened since then. A LOT!  We've added 3 kids to our crew.  And a daughter in law.  And 3 grandbabies.  We made it to language school in Canada, finished raising our support, moved to the foreign mission field and then, after a mysterious sickness, moved back to the USA.  We started a church and I've documented the excitement all along the way.  I've posted recipes, family fun nights and crafts.  You've prayed when I needed someone to pray and have watched our family grow.  I have loved blogging and the wonderful people I've met along the way.

I have some fun new ideas floating around in my head for my blog.  I'm excited about it.  So, if you'd like to keep receiving posts to your email, then update your email soon.  And thanks again for the encouragement and walking on this wonderful journey of life with us!


  1. Hi Kami, thanks for letting us know of the changes. I get notified of new posts via my Blogger Reading List. I first started following you when you were living in St. Bart's. I can't believe how much time flew by already. God continue to bless and expand your ministry there. Much love from Canada.

  2. Your blog is inspire for me! I love this blog! Thank you 🙏

  3. I have your website saved to my Favorites and just look every day or so.

  4. What language school did you attend in Canada? I guess you can tell from my blog that language is my major passion (being the miracle of language that God gave to us so we can communicate with Him & He with us!) I'm teaching now for First Bible School of Linguistics which is training future missionaries in Bible translation. Enjoying learning more about your family and life and passion for the Word!

  5. I also check by Blogger's reading list. I love your blog.
