
Friday, May 28, 2021

Making a new friend

Things have been going unexpectedly well with introducing Peaches to her new friend!  She really hasn't shown a ton of interest in Kiwi like we thought she would.  

She tolerates her, sniffs her, and treats her like her puppy.  Although we are still keeping a close eye on them when we have them together, it is going very well.

Kiwi is growing and some of her orange coloring is coming out under the gray.

 She gets plenty of love and attention from Callie.  Maybe too much....this is the scene I found yesterday during Callie's History class.  There are so many things wrong with this picture....a cat during school?  A cat on my counter?  A cat being fed on my counter?  Did I mentiona cat being played with during school?  

I snapped the picture first, I just had to capture this memory.  Then, I told (maybe reminded is a better word) Callie a few rules.  I am so thankful, though, that Callie is enjoying her little kitten.  It has been some work for her taking care of the litter box, feeding her and cleaning out her crate everyday.  But, she is enjoying it and I am enjoying watching my girl be so happy and have the desire of her heart.


  1. Maybe the food on the floor and not the counter but the rest is okay!!!! Once in awhile. How is Patrick doing with the kitty? My neighbor is allergic to their large dog. The dog is only allowed in certain parts of the house. Plus, Mom and the homeschooled girls (teenage) clean and vacuum everyday at 2:00. I'm sure you can work that into your schedule!!!

  2. Ha, ha, will be kids.bim glad you captured the moment. You and your girl can laugh about it when she grows up.
