
Sunday, June 27, 2021

She said YES!!

My Brenna said "Yes" to the man of her dreams and the one to mine and Patrick's prayers for over 22 years.  We can't wait to share all the details of AJ and Brenna's courtship and proposal. I've asked Brenna to write out their beautiful love story for me to post.  So, pretty soon you will read a wonderful story where God had His hand of guidance, protection and wisdom on my girl.  So happy!



  1. Congratulations to the happy couple and praise God for answering everyone's prayers for this union. Wishing them all the very best in their future nuptials and the life to come.

  2. I've been waiting for this post and can't wait to read Brenna's story! Congratulations to AJ and Brenna!!

  3. Brenna! So happy and excited for you, looking forward to reading your story!
    Praying for you in this next season on your journey!!
    The Mayo Ladies

  4. There can be no greater joy than to know your children are walking with God in their lives! Congratulations! and I can't wait to hear their story!

  5. Congratulations, Brenna and AJ!

  6. Congratulations to the happy couple!! What is AJ's full name? I've only heard him referred to as AJ since they started courting. :)
