
Monday, August 30, 2021

Quick Trip South

It's always fun when we have a chance to take a quick trip down south to see my parents.  Winkler Road Baptist Church had invited me to speak to their ladies for a meeting they were having.  So, we decided to leave a couple of days early and spend some time together.

Playing games is always fun!  We love Ticket to Ride

The boys love rough and tumble cousin time.  Wow, these guys are growing!!

Mom and Dad took us to Chuck E Cheese to play some games.  The kids loved it!!

And then we swung by Costco for lunch.  Cheap and Super yummy!!

And it's always customary to take a golfcart ride!!

There were just a few tears, too.  My parents realized this was Brenna's last visit to their house as a single lady.  Their little granddaughter is growing up.  So many lasts are happening these days.  It's quite emotional.  It's strange how you can be so happy and so sad at the same time.  I'm thankful for this time of making so many wonderful memories!


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you all had a final visit with your parents before Brenna becomes a Mrs.
