
Thursday, September 23, 2021

My prayer for you...


My dearest Brenna,

Ever since we found out we were expecting another bundle of joy, we began praying for you. We first, and foremost prayed for your salvation.  We wanted to know that we would be spending eternity with you!  

We prayed for your future spouse that He would love God and adore you.

 Then, we prayed for a healthy and safe pregnancy.  At 20 weeks you decided you wanted to come early.  That was a scary time.  20 weeks was when our Bethany was born and we knew it was too early.  We begged God to protect you.  And He did.  Contractions stopped and you stayed safe in my womb for 20 more weeks.  

We prayed for a safe delivery.  God again protected you as you were born with a knot in your cord.  During delivery you become stressed because of this, but God stepped in and kept you breathing, healthy and free from infection.  You are truly a miracle! 

We prayed for you to sleep through the night, to tolerate solid food and to learn to walk.  All along the way God kept answering.  

I remember when you started asking questions about heaven.  Then, you started to realize you weren't good enough on your own to get there.  You needed Jesus.  Then, another prayer was answered as you accepted Christ as your Savior, there on that green striped couch.

  As you grew into a beautiful, spunky, young lady, we prayed for you to learn to read, to learn to multiply, and to make good friends.  We prayed for you to have a fervent love for God and His Word.  And He just kept right on answering.  

We prayed for you in your High School years to make good grades, to adjust well to a new community, and to love your new role as a pastor's kid.  

As you matured we prayed for you (and us!) as you learned to drive, graduate from High School and make choices about college. 

 As I would highlight the dates in my prayer journal it was amazing to see God continually answer.  He's so faithful!  

We prayed from the very beginning about your future husband.  We prayed that he would love the Lord sincerely and with passion.  We prayed that he would make you laugh.   We prayed that he would adore you like no other.  God has again answered our prayers in giving you AJ.

Tomorrow you will become Mrs. Blankenship.  You will step out the door of our home and be on an adventure to make your own.  Even now, I have prayers for you in this new step.

I pray that you will never stop loving Jesus.  Keep Him first in everything that you do!  It's amazing that when you do this, all other priorities fall into place.  After the Lord, let AJ be at the very top of your list.  Know with all your being that you were created to complete him.  He needs you.  And you need him.  Look for the treasure and choose to overlook the weeds.  Choose the good.  Use good, sweet words and smile.  A lot.  Make life fun in all the big things, and in the little things, too.  You have the wonderful privilege of setting the tone of your home.  Make it Christ centered.  Make it peaceful.  Make it fun.  

Your Dad and I have had so much joy watching you grow in our home for the past 22 years.  We've had the greatest honor of praying for you.  Please know that that will never stop.  You'll always be our little girl that we love and cherish.  We are so very proud of you!

With all my love,
