
Saturday, September 18, 2021

Saturday nights....last one

 It's our last Saturday night with her as a single lady and living in our home. Saturday nights in a preacher's family are unique. We often are practicing specials around the piano, ironing and laying out our clothes, putting last minute touches on Sunday School lessons, feeding visiting preachers, making sure food and house is ready for whomever we have over for Sunday lunch....Tonight she is rolling out the dough for her Sunday School class for a special breakfast she is making for them for Mission's Sunday. She is a treasure and asset to our home and family. She has such a servant' s heart. Raising her has been a joy. There may be tears because I'm missing her already, but she is so very happy and so ready. I can't help but be happy with her. We love you our Brenna Shay. God knew we needed YOU when He let us have you for these past 22 years. 

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