
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Wedding Pictures ~ The Ceremony

Christ Honoring.  That is what I heard many people say about Brenna and AJ's wedding.  They put in so many personal touches into their wedding that told their story, their love for each other, and their love for Christ.  I'm so proud of them!

Brenna chose a beautiful arrangement of "Here Comes The Bride."  She is our main paino player at church, so she couldn't play.  I play our 2nd piano, but I didn't want to play on this day, so we had to find a recording that we liked.  I'm so happy with what she picked!

As Patrick brought her in, he had so many emotions.  Tears.  Joy.  Isn't it strange how it can all be wrapped up into one?

We glanced over at AJ.  As he puts it, he technically wasn't crying because tears weren't coming down his cheeks.  But, he was definitely emotional.   

The aisle was lined with quotes that AJ has said, written or texted to Brenna during their relationship. 

Brenna also asked Pastor Don Strange, our Pastor and friend, to perform the ceremony. Patrick wanted to simply be the father of the Bride that day.  It was so special to have him and Mrs. Judy there.

When they reached the end of the aisle, Brenna had a special surprise for Patrick.  When Brenna was 14, Patrick gave her a beautiful purity ring.  On that day she promised she would keep herself pure and holy until her wedding day as a gift to the Lord and her future husband.  Brenna kept that promise.  So, she had Pastor Strange explain about the purity ring.  Then, as she gave the ring back to Patrick, she had Beth sing a beautiful song as she hugged her Dad.

Standing here, on this day, holding your arm

Through the years, faithfully, you kept me from harm.

You gave me this ring as a gift one day,

And now it's time to give me away.

But, I know, this true, I kept my promise to you.

Faithfully, tenderly, cherished through life,

Molded me, tenderly to be this man's wife.

God gave me to you, as a gift one day,

And now it's time to give me away.

But, I know, this is so,

It's hard to let go.

And God will hold me in the palm of His hand.

And He will guide me when I don't understand.

He holds the future, He knows what I need.

He'll keep me always, as I follow His lead.

And that's what matters to me.

Wow!  That was emotional!!

And then....we gave her away.

Brenna asked Joshua to pray for their marriage.

Brenna and AJ chose to write their own vows.  They were so meaningful!!

For the Unity Ceremony they did something really neat.  Taken from the book of Ecclesiates that says, "A threefold cord is not quickly broken." They went and got a piece of cord from Mrs. Kim, from me, and then from the Bible Pastor Strange was holding.  AJ put a knot in it, and Brenna braided it, all while Josh and Tabitha sang the song,  "You were worth the wait."

Then, the two of them prayed together.  

And then the time finally came for their (first) kiss.  It was sweet, and special.

 The ceremony was absolutely gorgeous and memorable!  At the end, once Brenna and AJ walked out, Pastor asked the Bridal Party to remain upfront and then, as AJ and Brenna requested, he gave a clear gospel message.  It was their desire that everyone present could settle their eternity....the most important decision anyone could ever make.

It was a beautiful ceremony and everything went amazingly!!


  1. Oh my Kami. I watched part of the wedding service on line and I could see how Christ honouring this young, beautiful couple is. It made me emotional that day and reading today your account of Brenna giving her purity ring back to her dad. Well, I just got emotional all over again. May this lovely couple be beautifully blessed as they continue in the Lord now as a bonded couple. xx

  2. We watched it online, and it was beautiful. This post helped explain the meanings of things that they did together like the three-fold cord. Thank you for sharing all these pictures with us.
