
Sunday, January 23, 2022

Soup Season?

 I love to read reviews!  Whether it's on Amazon or allrecipes, reviews can be very helpful to know if I will like a product or recipe.  We tried something new that was pretty yummy, so I thought I'd share it with you.

It's definitely soup season around here.  North Florida is supposed to be in the 20s this morning and a few times this week as well.  That's cold for us Floridians!  Plus, my hubby's asthma has really been acting up.  Poor guy.  So, I figured some soup was definitely the thing for us!  He's not much of a fan of canned soups.  Actually he isn't at all.  With revival prep happening, I didn't have time to make homemade.  So when I saw this packet, I thought I'd give it a try.  

All you do is add your own cooked chicken and water.  Simmer for 15 minutes and it was done.  I also added a potato that I had cooked in the microwave with skin on and just peeled it when it was done.

And the verdict?  He loved it!  And my kids did, too.  Wow!  I was impressed!

So, this is a definite keeper for us.

How about you?  Any good products that you've tried lately?

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