
Monday, February 7, 2022

Joy in the midst of sorrow


It's amazing how God can give us such joy. Even in the midst of grief. Even in the midst of crying until you have no tears left. He somehow still gives Joy. I am thankful for that!

We heard that Mam-maw had passed away on Friday. Knowing that we had a two-day drive we left Saturday right after lunch. I'm thankful for my sweet mother-in-law cooking a huge turkey dinner for us to eat before we hit the road. We drove is several hours and made it all the way to Tennessee the first night. 

We woke up early the next morning to get a few hours in before it was time to stop for church. The kids had so much fun seeing the mountains to start to take shape and the beauty of Tennessee happened right before their eyes.

We were really excited to be able to stop at Clays Mill Baptist Church in Lexington Kentucky for church that morning. Brother Jeff Fugate is always such a blessing to listen to!

After church we started to see snow on the sides of the roads! My kids were really really excited. Silas really doesn't remember seeing snow even though he spent the first couple years of his life in Canada. Callie saw flurries fall when she went to Michigan with me a couple years ago. And Micah has never seen snow. So these Florida kids were quite excited! I was even bombarded at a rest stop with snowballs. They were so excited to have a snowball fight!

We arrived to my Mam-maw's house late Sunday night. There were so many cars in the driveway of family that had gathered there. My tears were definitely flowing by that time and I stood on the porch for a bit before I could go inside. As I went inside it was hard knowing that I was walking through the door and Mam-maw wouldn't be on the other side to greet me. I was thankful to have the hugs of my dad and sisters and especially my Mom. Sadness hurts. But having someone to cry with you that is feeling the same thing is such a beautiful, yet difficult part of grief. I needed my family and I'm so thankful we could all be together. 

The next morning my kiddos were up by 6:00 a.m. ready to go play out in the snow! I held them off until the 7 when the sun came up. Although barely.
About 10:00 we gathered with my sisters and cousins in went to a park in Ypsilanti. It was a great place for sledding!

We had so much fun! We shared the five sleds that we borrowed from other family members and went down the hills many many times!

It was fun to be with my older sisters and to show our kids how to sled. At least we tried to 😊

This Florida family was definitely out of their element! I forgot about how much work it takes just to get dressed to head out the door in the snow! Boots and socks and tights and gloves and scarves and hats! I was thankful my girls and I can still be modest and go sledding!

Even my amazing hubby went down some of the hills and had a great time together!

The day of the funeral was cold. The sun was shining as we all drove up to the church. It was hard to say goodbye to Mam-maw.  Something that made it slightly easier was looking across the rows of the church and seeing 10 other people that were struggling with the same thing. So thankful for time to see my cousins!  This is just a picture of my first cousins.  But, I saw many 2nd, 3rd and 4th cousins, too. Mam-maw was such an amazing grandmother.  We are all going to miss her.  She left behind so many wonderful memories of time she spent with us.  She was the type of lady that would look you in the eye and you would know that were loved.  She also was so wise and taught us to much.   


I'm going to miss her, but I am so thankful for the hope of heaven. One day we will be reunited with loved ones that we have to said goodbye to on earth.  With Jesus as our Savior we have the hope of heaven and eternal life with Him.  It was no accident that the morning that Mam-maw passed away this was in my scheduled Bible reading.

"He will swallow up death in victory;  and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces. " 

I am so thankful for a faithful God who will one day wipe my tears away.  I'm so thankful for time together with family to cry, to laugh, and to relive wonderful memories.  It was a hard week.  But, I can truly say, "God is so good."   

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