
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Filling Up and Growing

Amazing things are happening at VSIBC!  Our seats are filling up and we are growing!  For the past 4 weeks we have averaged over 100.  This past Sunday we had 124!  It's exciting and amazing and we are so thrilled to be right in the midst of it and watch God work! 

If you've been to our building, you know how many we seat.  We've tried to think of extra ideas and be creative.  We're putting extra chairs here and there.  We're adding extra rows.  I think we might have to open the side garage doors and seat some outside.  So exciting!!

What is really great is that each age group is growing.  Nursery, Children's Sunday School, Teens and Adults rooms are overflowing!

The property we have bought is almost cleared. Are we building too small?

Pray for us as we move forward with growing in the days ahead.  It's exciting to watch God work!!  (I think I used the word exciting and amazing a whole bunch in this post!  I love that!)



  1. It is very exciting how God is growing the church you shepherd. God bless and guide as you move forward in with the new building. I'm wondering if there is thought given to building the new sanctuary in such a way that it can be expanded as needed? I'm sure you've thought of that since your church body has been growing in leaps and bounds from the beginning. God bless.

  2. That is such a blessing! God can still work in people's hearts in these latter days.
