
Tuesday, March 8, 2022

What's filling your life?

So many things occupy our thoughts.  Our attention.  Our minds.  As women in 2022, we are busy!!  In the midst of our busyness, I'm afraid that we've lost our priorities in some things. Without a doubt one of those things is our time spent in the Word of God.  We've become satisfied with a chapter or two in the morning and we've crossed it off our list for the day.  Devotions?  Done.

But, is that really how the Lord would have it to be?  I think we can all agree an astounding 'No'.  His love letter to us should be read, reread, cherished and thought on throughout the day.  In "To Revive Womanhood"  we've talked about our love.  Now it's time to revive our time spent in God's Word.

I've thought of a few ideas that will help all of us to redirect our focus and our time.  We really do want (and really do need) to have God's Word fill our life.  When we do then we will have success as talked about in Joshua 1:8.  

~Make your devotion time in the morning your most important appointment of the day.  Guard it.  Plan for it.  Just like if you were to meet with the President of the US at a certain time and wouldn't forsake that appointment, don't forsake this one.  The Lord would love to guide you and instruct you at the beginning of your day!

~Don't get in the rut of thinking that just because you read some in the morning that you are filled up on Scripture.  We need God's instruction throughout the day!  Throw away the mindset of crossing devotions off your list.

~Listen to Scripture.  We have many minutes throughout our day that we could be listening to God's Word.  Even as a busy Momma, you really could listen more.  There are great apps and Youtube videos that you could turn on throughout the day.  You can listen while doing dishes, while doing your makeup or driving in the car.  

~When you do have those few moments to sit and relax, what do you do?   In this age we live in it's so easy to get caught up in scrolling through Facebook, or Pinterest.  We might research a new recipe, or check our email. While those things in themselves aren't wrong, they shouldn't be filling our lives. We could listen or read a chapter of Psalms, or Proverbs, or any other wonderful book in the Bible.

~Read to your children or grandchildren.  SM Davis has videos of the reading of Proverbs called Picture Proverbs.  My kiddos love those!

The point is to use those available minutes that we think we don't have.  When we look at our time, we really could fit in more of God's Word. So, lets try to implement one or maybe all of these.  Let's fill our lives with God's Word!

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful post with some great ideas for spending more time with God.
