
Monday, April 4, 2022

Spring Fever

It happens every year.  I mean every. single. year.  It usually happens to my husband.  Sometimes it happens to me.  But this year it's to both of us!!  We both have spring fever and are ready to start planting!

If you've followed my blog for very long, you will know that Patrick and I don't have the greenest of thumbs.  We've tried, really we have!   But things don't always grow the way we think they will.  

This year we have the itch to try again.  God has given us amazing property and we have such a desire to be good stewards of it.  So it started with the roots of my green onions.  Patrick planted them and they are taking off!  Then, it was the potatoes that stayed too long in the pantry.  He planted those and they are growing beautifully!  Since then he's added tomato plants.

This past Saturday our library was having their annual plant sale.  They sell seedlings for cheap!  It was fun to wait in line.  We've learned that people arrive early, it's almost like Black Friday!  We arrived, coffee in hand, 45 minutes early.  We were able to buy watermelons, Seminole Squash, Golden Zucchini, Chocolate Peppers, Sweet Peppers, and many other plants.

While getting ready to plant, Patrick found tons of grubs.  Not good.  He cleaned those out.  He has been working to get the dirt ready by adding manure from our cow and goats.  This Florida sand/clay mix we have on our property isn't the best for growing.  We are trying to change that!

 I picked up a couple of herbs and this lavendar plant.  My porch is filling up with beautiful plants!  I love it!

So spring is here!  Although this morning we had a little cold snap and I am enjoying my windows open while I type.  I hear the birds, the rooster, and my baby goats.  Oh how I love life on our little farm!


  1. Up north (in Canada), we add our egg shells to the soil to help with grubs etc. It seems to help

    1. Egg shells? That's very interesting and worth a try! We have plenty of those!!

  2. Looks like so much fun and progress. I live a few states north of you and we just started planting a few cold weather crops. In a few more weeks, we’ll add the rest. This is our fifth Spring on our property, but it’s the first year we have bigger plans for our outdoor space.

  3. I too lack a green thumb but each year I try again :-) I like the raised beds you have in the garden. Those high ones would be so much better for my back but I have to deal with a different garden than most and there isn't a possiblity of adding those high beds. One can dream. May God bless both of our gardens.
