
Thursday, May 12, 2022

Ladies Spring Banquet and a visit from Mom and Dad

We have had so much fun preparing for our Ladies Spring Banquet.  The theme was "Daughters of the King." It was fun to make it royalty-tea party style!  What a fun theme! 

 As I was setting up the day before, I got a wonderful call from my Mom.  Her and Dad were going to come for the Banquet!! I was so excited!  They would drive a little over 4 hours here for the Banquet, spend a couple of hours being with us at our house, take us to dinner, then drive the 4+ hours home.  Yup, definitely the most amazing parents I have!!


The Banquet turned out beautiful!  We all had so much fun!  We had a wonderful speaker, Mrs. Sharon Stanley, that gave us a devotion on what it means to be a daughter.  It was so good!!
Liberty was my example of a Princess. :o) We all loved to dress up as little girls, didn't we?  And being a princess was the most fun.  I told the ladies that we don't have to "play dress up" anymore, if you have accepted Christ as you Savior, you really are the daughter of the King!  A real life Princess!

Tabitha is getting close!!  Isn't she just an adorable pregnant lady?  So cute!

Brenna's little baby bump is growing, too! Having adult children is amazing.

My Beth is so amazing. She really is one of my right hand ladies.  At these kind of meetings I have her running here and there.  She's a blessing to me!!

Freedom was excited to sit by Grandma. :o)

That afternoon it was off to Sonny's for dinner before my parents hit the road.

It's amazing to me that they are wonderful parents and grandparents.  But, it doesn't stop there.  They are devoted, fun great-grandparents, too.  The girls love them!!!

As they drove away I was a little teary eyed.  They made all this effort for me.  I feel so loved and so blessed. Thanks Mom and Dad, you really made my day!


  1. I love to see what you come up with for the themes and church parties. Everything always looks so wonderful. I also love hearing about all the young women in your life and the giftings they have and to hear about your precious mom and dad too. The grandkids are so sweet too and I'm they had a wonderful time with your mom and dad.

  2. Does Brenna know what the gender of her baby is?
