
Friday, May 27, 2022

My Prayer for My Home ~To revive womanhood

Every morning I look over it.  I pray and ask the Lord to let it be so.  Some people call it a Mission Statement.  Some just say it's their goals, their "Purpose"  or even their "Why."  Whatever you want to call it, it's important to have some concrete  desires for your home.

When someone enters into the place the Gimenez Family calls home, I have some desires for them.  But, more important than that, I want the people that call this place Home to have a sense of belonging.  I have these needs and desires for them!

But, even more important than that, I want to please my Heavenly Father!  I know He has some desires for my home, even more than I do!

So I have a list that I look over daily. I pray over it daily.  Does that mean it always happens?  No, it sure doesn't.  I think everyone that sets goals, makes New Years Resolutions or just makes a plan for the day knows that it doesn't always go the way they have planned. But, if you aim at nothing you'll hit it everytime.  

Let me encourage you, dear sister friend, have some goals set for what you want your home to accomplish. Search the Scriptures and ask God what He would have for your home. Then, look over it, pray for it, work towards it, adjust your day so that it will be accomplished!

Let me encourage you, don't keep your eyes on the temporal things with this list.  Having clean floors and dust free surfaces doesn't need to be on the list. Having children that never misbehave shouldn't be on the list.  Never having an argument (or discussion ;o) ) shouldn't even be on the list.  Yes, these are all good things, but we are real humans that struggle.  Don't look at your list and then be discouraged, look at it as an encouragement to keep your eyes focused on the right things.

So, do you want a peek at my list?

Here is what I have listed in my prayer journal.

Desires for my Home

 *Refuge from the world
*Place of Love and Peace
*Place of Learning and  Growing
*Christ to be glorified
*Full of Joy and Laughter

 He's worth it!  And your family and home is worth it, too!

1 comment:

  1. I love how you think and pray about the home. It's a wonderful idea.
